
For those in NYC, Whole Foods stocks crust from a Bronx pizzeria that we buy and keep in the freezer for pizza nights. It is chewier and better than what we’ve been able to make at home (although we’ve had OK results from the no-knead crust, NYT 1 hour crust-which uses a food processor instead of manual kneading, and Martha Stewart’s quick crust if you’re dead set on making homemade). Trader Joe’s also has pretty good bake-at-home crust.

For toppings, we’ve found we really like 1 small can of crushed San Marzano tomatoes and sliced rounds of fresh mozzarella. We cook it for 10 min in a 500 degree oven (or as hot as yours goes), just on a baking sheet (because what NYC apartment has room for a pizza stone?!).

Last night, we shredded the mozzarella and added a bit of parm too. We also used leftover tomato soup as our sauce!

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